The information age has made my life more complicated. I can read conflicting points of view on any issue, all presented by experts and supported by various documentation. In all of this I always seem to come back to the simple, natural things in life; a healthy life-style supported by natural food, including delicious, raw honey. AND, I love stories, especially family stories. We are a family of prairie honey producers. Honey stories are a very real part of our lives.
John Wendell (Tim’s father) ran a hard race to win the Echo Lake Road Race in 1928. His record time of 1 hour and 12 minutes stood for 10 years. He ran and won the Echo Lake Road Race again in 1929, 1930, 1931 and 1932. He claimed that the honey he ate before each race gave him the edge he needed to take the cup 5 years in a row!
John would have appreciated the recent work on the benefits of honey by Dr. Ron Fessenden MD, MPH and Mike McInnes MRPS. “Athletes of all persuasions must…consider the benefits of honey both as a gold standard fuel during exercise (the highest octane fuel on earth) and as a marvelous natural food for selectively refueling the liver during recovery” *
Recently, on August 22, 2021, I found another honey story on Instagram. Tony Miller (t.miller.87), of Camrose Alberta, completed the Black Spur Ultra, 108 kms with 4,460m of elevation gain/loss in 16:48:33! He credited Wendell Estate Honey with helping to give him the energy needed to accomplish this incredible feat of power and endurance.
Wendell Estate Honey, fuel for athletes! Tell us your athletic stories in the comments below.
*The Honey Revolution Ron Fessenden, MD, MPH and Mike McInnies, MRPS
There is a new edition of this book: The New Honey Revolution Restoring the Health of Future Generations by Ron Fessenden, MD MPH.

Hi Izzie, love this!
Hi Anita! This is Isy…thanks for the feed back. So nice to hear from you!